Kennebunk Free Library

We recently had a chance to swing by the Kennebunk Free Library to take some updated photos of the ongoing projects we’ve been building for this historic library since 1995. Over the last 20+ years, we’ve constructed a variety of oak and cherry furniture for our own local public library including tables, carrels, end panels, computer stations, podiums, and cafe tables.  

This year we delivered a new set of shelving units for the library’s Children’s Room, including this front-and-center picturebook shelf, the first thing you see upon entering the children’s library. 

It’s always nice to check in on some of the older pieces of library furniture we’ve constructed here over the years. Everything has aged beautifully. 

The Kennebunk Free Library is such an important fixture in our community. It means a great deal to us to be able to supply furniture to the library many of us at Huston & Company use and love ourselves.

To view more of our Academic & Library furniture projects, click here.

Photos and content by Willard Creative for Huston & Company.