Mrs. Physician's Laptop Desk

Let’s Make it Real

In 1998, a local physician asked Bill Huston to build a small, laptop desk as a Christmas gift for his wife. It was built of cherry, with wenge inlay. It had a slanted top that lifted up to reveal a flat surface underneath and three little compartments for clips and whatnots. The interior surface was built on a wooden hinge, so it too lifted up to uncover another storage space for paper and notebooks. A clever little support was devised to hold the top open.

It’s a beautiful little thing. Just sort of makes you say, “Oh, how sweet.”

Mrs. Physician's Laptop Desk
Mrs. Physician's Laptop Desk Open
Bill Huston's Signature on the Laptop Desk from 1998

“Mr. Physician” has ordered several other custom items over the years including a pedestal table and a custom armoire. His wife, “Mrs. Physician,” ordered a rolling ladder for his home library a couple of years ago and presented it to him as a Christmas gift. 

Mr. and Mrs. Physician visited the showroom recently with a new request. She hasn’t used her laptop desk for several years and would like to put it to use again. She’s decided it would help to have a stand for it so it no longer needs to be placed on a tabletop; so it may have its own space and become a “real” desk. 

The stand, designed by Bill and built by Saer Huston, was created in cherry with wenge inlay to match the desk. It is large enough to accommodate a chair underneath. Even though the laptop desk has grown up and is a real desk now, it still makes you want to say, “Oh, how sweet.” C’mon, say it.

Saer Huston with Laptop Desk and Unfnished Stand
Finished Desk All Grown Up
Finished Desk All Grown Up
Saer Huston's Signature on the Finished Desk 2012